
Levan Alexidze Foundation dedicated a webinar to the celebration of Independence Day of Georgia

Levan Alexidze Foundation dedicated a webinar – Protection of Internally Displaced Persons: International Legal Aspects of a Right to Return and Georgia’s National Policy – to the celebration of Independence Day of Georgia. The importance of the Resolutions adopted annually starting from 2008 by the UN General Assembly regarding the Status of internally displaced persons…

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Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Act on the Restoration of the Independent Statehood of Georgia

In commemorating today the 30th anniversary of the Act on the Restoration of the Independent Statehood of Georgia, a brief account of the importance of national/civil society  movements, of international law and the tireless efforts of Georgian patriots that led to the drafting of this basic document may be indicated and is provided herewith.  In 1989,…

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Cycle of meetings International Legal Regulation of Gender Equality: Contemporary Challenges was inaugurated

Cycle of meetings International Legal Regulation of Gender Equality: Contemporary Challenges was inaugurated

On 13 March 2021 as a part of celebration of the Women’s History Month, a cycle of meetings “International Legal Regulation of Gender Equality: Contemporary Challenges” was launched. The cycle of meetings is organized by the Levan Alexidze Foundation, with the support of the USAID and EWMI PROLoG activity, in cooperation with the Training Centre…

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The success of the team from Tbilisi State University in the 4th All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition

The success of the team from Tbilisi State University in the 4th All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition

The success of the team from Tbilisi State University in the  4th All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition was dedicated to Academician Levan Alexidze, as the team ended the Competition as the second best, along with  Ioseb Edisherashvili receiving the Best Oralist's Award. The team was selected back in summer 2019 by...
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