Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Levan Alexidze Journal of International Law (LAJIL)

Issue 1, Number 2 of the Levan Alexidze Journal of International Law, published by the Levan Alexidze Foundation on 31 July 2020 in the spirit of the Journal of International Law founded by Professor Levan Alexidze in 1996, is devoted to a collection of articles by scholars and professionals who had been students of Academician Levan Alexidze. The articles in this edition published on the anniversary of the passing away of our dear teacher on 31 July 2020, focus on issues related to the European Union as well as armed conflict, whether internal or transnational or regimes of occupation, that affect individuals or groups of individuals as varied as children born from sexual conflict-related violence, investors/ investments, international peacekeepers, the role of autonomous weapons systems in armed conflict situations as well as international judicial institutions.
The articles depict the evolutionary process leading to the elaboration and implementation of international law, be it humanitarian law, human rights conventions, international criminal statutes, investment treaties, autonomous weapons regulations, or one of the noteworthy issues in Georgia and the region - legal perspective on sex-selective abortion, as well as the increasing jurisprudence by international courts and tribunals. In line with Academician Levan Alexidze’s vision and life-long practice of international law including his insistence on its importance as a founding pillar of Georgia’s independence and full-fledged membership of the international community of nations, the articles highlight, in particular, the essential role of international law for Georgia and beyond, in situations warranting the resort to internationally accepted objective rules of legal protection, intervention or remedial action. A “Book Review“ Section provides the salient features of a scientific study on the use of armed force in occupied territory, authored by a renowned Italian scholar and commented upon by a Georgian legal professional.
May this Edition serve as “food for thought“ for academics, legal professionals, and interested readers as well as an encouragement for young scholars to engage on the path of international law. Our heartfelt thanks go to all the authors who, notwithstanding their academic and other professional responsibilities, contributed articles to Issue 1, Number 2 of the Levan Alexidze Journal of International Law.
In the spirit of the great humanist, Georgian patriot, and international lawyer Prof. Dr. Levan Alexidze, the Founder of the International Law School in Georgia and in commemoration of the first year of his passing, the Levan Alexidze Foundation hopes that future Editions will continue to be occasions for scholars from Georgia but also from across the world to share their theoretical research and practical experience with a view to strengthening international law as a pillar of our societies.
Prof. Dr. Ketevan Khutsishvili
Tbilisi, 31st July 2020